hi penpal

Application version of Hi! Penpal! website. Hi! Penpal! is a free penpal site for people of all ages looking for worldwide penpals. Hi! Penpal! is the Easiest way to make Pen Pal in the World. What you can do with Hi!Penpal! : - Language exchange for lear

相關軟體 Miranda 下載

朋友、家人都使用同一個即時訊息軟體(IM)聯絡,那沒什麼問題,可是如果家人朋友所慣用的軟體與您不同,那就會需要安裝多套IM軟體,這樣還真的滿麻煩的,現在有了Miranda後,一切都不麻煩了,它一套就支援多種的IM協定,讓您一套就搞定與家人朋友間的連絡。 Miranda支援AIM, Facebook, Gadu-Gadu, IA...

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  • World penpal service for email penpal, snail mail penpal, making pen friends and language ...
    Hi! Penpal! World penpal friends from Japan, Korean, French ...
  • Application version of Hi! Penpal! website. Hi! Penpal! is a free penpal site for people o...
    World friends Hi! Penpal! - Android Apps on Google Play
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